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Judge Jun Miura of the Osaka District Court ruled that the Osaka prefectural government's failure to pay medical allowances to atomic bomb victims currently residing abroad was against the fundamental goals of the Atomic Victims Relief Law!

Why are the atomic bomb victims deprived their rights when they are out of Japan even if they have the official certification as one of the victims ( Hibakusha Techou)?

Let all the victims of the atomic bomb living in the foreign countries be under the gRelief Lawh!

Not a few people have still suffered from the radiation effects of the atomic bomb, being unable to be under medical treatment.

They canft wait any longer! That is because they raised lawsuits against Japanese government.

Kwak Kifun lawsuit (Osaka district court)
iUpdated on Mar. 5, 2000j

Lee Kannyon lawsuit (Nagasaki district court)
iUpdated on Nov. 3, 2000j

Japan is a law-governed country.
We want you know the fact that the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan arbitrary sets limits to apply the gRelief Lawh although the law does not have any provision of nationality. This limitation has still tortured Korean people who were bombed as gJapanese.h

The importance of the lawsuits related to the Atomic Bomb Victims Relief Law.


@These two lawsuits related to the Atomic Bomb Victims Relief Law is the fight against Japanese government to legalize the rights of demanding compensation of Korean victims, who have been under the threefold sufferings, gcolonization by Japan, attacked by the atomic bomb, and neglected by Japanese government after WWII.h
@This is also the fight against the Japanese government to legalize the rights of Korean, American, Brazilian, and Chinese atomic bomb victims and Japanese victims living in foreign countries. This is the fight to establish international unity of the atomic bomb victims.
@Every victim has the right to be under the benefits of gRelief Lawh to live in peace wherever they are.

Please support Mr. Kwak Kifun and Mr. Lee Kannyon with their lawsuits against Japanese government.

Japanese government issues gHealth Record Note of the Atomic Bomb Victimsh ( Hibakusha Kenkou Techou) to the victims in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and gives them medical treatments or financial support based on gthe Atomic Bomb Victims Relief Law.h
@In the gRelief Law,h there is no provision that limits the application of this law to those who have Japanese nationality or to those who have residence in Japan. So this law will be applied to the victims living in the foreign countries when they come to Japan.
@Mr. Kwak Kifun and Mr. Lee Kannyon who had lived in Korea came to Japan and got the gHealth Record Note of the Atomic Bomb Victims.h They were staying hospitals to have medical treatment, and were allowed health management aid ( about $340 a month).

However when they returned to Korea, Japanese government issued their gHealth Record Noteh invalid, and cut off their allowances.

There is no description in the gRelief Lawh that those who leave Japan cannot receive benefits of the law.

hWe are still the A-bomb attack victims even when we return to South Korea.

hThey rose lawsuit against Japanese government claiming that it is illegal to cut off of the allowance not based on the law.

The issue of the lawsuits related to the Atomic Bomb Victims Relief Law.
Support them!
Walk hand in hand.
iThe victims of the Atomic Bomb living in the foreign countries will unite.j

To the site of gAssociation of Citizens for Supporting South Korean Atomic Bomb Victimsh

Trials for Japanese War Compensation
Lawsuit of former commandeered workers in Mitsubishi Industry, Hiroshima.@@@
Association of Citizens for supporting the lawsuit of gKorean Girlsf Volunteer Labor Corpsh in Mitsubishi Industry, Nagoya.@
Association of Claiming Post-war Compensation   for Korean living in japan.
@Movement for claiming Post-war compensation such as pension or military pension to former soldiers and paramilitary personnel of South and North Korean living in Japan.

Association of Citizens for supporting the lawsuit of "Korean Girls Volunteer Labor Corps in Japanese Industry, KANPU Lawsuit


Link to post-war compensation issues.
‚Q@‚f‚@‚f‚’‚…‚…‚Ž@Link related to lawsuit and trials.
Center of Materials of War Responsibility of Japan.
War compensation in the world.@War compensation of World War II @
